This Website is made possible by the kind support of:
Our Member Societies
In Alphabetical Order
The Association of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons of Southern Africa
APPRASSA currently has around 160 members and represent more than 90% of the specialists qualified in our field in South Africa.
APRASSA is actively involved with:
- Engaging medical aids on behalf of our members.
- Educational activities for our members and trainees. This involves local activities and our links with many International Organisations
- Educating the public on fields of interest within our domain and putting them
- in touch with qualified Surgeons
- Maintaining a high standard of patient care
The Association of Surgeons of South Africa
ASSA was founded in 1943 and is the non-profit organisation that represents General Surgeons in South Africa. ASSA is proactive in lobbying government for the benefit of surgeons and surgical patients. ASSA contributes significantly by supporting surgical trainees through tutorials, research and travelling fellowships. ASSA consults widely and thus has an inclusive extended executive committee involving other specific surgical interest groups and all Heads of Academic departments within South Africa. ASSA is also represented on the South African Medical Association (SAMA) board.ASSA has long standing international links with surgical bodies throughout Africa and the United Kingdom
The Society of Cardiothoracic Surgeons in South Africa
The Society of Cardiothoracic Surgeons in South Africa was formally established in 1992 with acceptance of its constitution. It is an official group of the South AfricanMedical Association (SAMA), an Association incorporated under Section 21, Reg. No. 05/00136/08. The aim of the Society is to represent the interests of Cardiothoracic Surgeons in South Africa, to promote the practice of cardiothoracic surgery and in sodoing to develop good relationships with other societies and disciplines in South Africa and abroad.
In full the objectives of the Society are:1.To promote the practice of Cardiac and Thoracic Surgery.2.To define and establish good relationships among Cardiothoracic Surgeons.3.To encourage good relationship between Cardiothoracic Surgeons and public and private healthcare institutions, authorities and service providers.4.To define and establish relationships between Cardiothoracic Surgeons and the public.5.To promote the professional and legitimate interests Cardiothoracic Surgeons.6.To promote continuing medical education and the training of undergraduates and future surgeons in cardiac and thoracic surgery.7.To promote all matters relating to the carrying out of the foregoing objectives or any one of them
The South African Society of Otorhinolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery
The objectives of the society shall be:
- to promote the practice, and professional and allied interests of otorhinolaryngology.
- to define and establish relationships amongst otorhinolaryngologists, and between them and hospitals, public and private institutions, government authorities, the South African Medical Association, the medical profession generally, and the public.
- To hold or arrange for the holding of as many meetings of all members of the Society as possible.
- To pay out of the funds of the society all grants, costs, charges and expenses considered by the Executive Committee to be preliminary or incidental to the promotion, formation, establishment, registration and advertising of the society.
The Society of Neurosurgeons of South Africa
The Society of Neurosurgeons of South Africa is an association of practitioners with an interest in maintaining and improving neurosurgical services in South Africa.The Objectives of the Society are as follows:
- To improve the quality of scientific knowledge and pursuit of high standards of excellence in patient care, clinical practice and related sciences among professionals in the field of neurosurgery.
- To maintain an educational organization dedicated to the exchange of ideas and dissemination of scientific facts in the field of neurosurgery.
- To provide instruction, scientific meetings and professional publications for surgical, non-operative and diagnostic purposes in neurosurgery.
- To improve the means of communication with and support for scientists and clinicians in their work and to provide means for improving their work.
- To investigate and promulgate concepts and methods by which neurosurgical conditions may be detected and improved.
- To maintain the highest ethical standards for the organization and to maintain full communication and interaction with other recognized bodies and specialty associations.
- To strive for acceptable and equitable practice conditions and remuneration for those practising in neurosurgery
The Ophthalmological Society of South Africa
The Ophthalmological Society of South Africa promotes the interests of ophthalmology in general and of its members in particular.OSSA remains committed to a vision of attainable, best quality vision for all.The society has a number of core functions and aims to support members whilst engaging with all stakeholders in eye care to provide patient driven care in the field of ophthalmology.
The South African Burn Society
Membership consists of medical practitioners, surgeons, especially plastic and reconstructive Surgeons, as well as allied medical disciplines (nurses, physiotherapists, counsellors) who are involved in the treatment and rehabilitation of burn victims.Our aim is to provide education on burn treatment via our EMSB course (Emergency Management of Severe Burns) which will recommence when interactive meetings are safe.We run a 1-day course for medical professionals, and a 2-day course for nurses.
The South African Orthopaedic Association
The SAOA is the professional association for orthopaedic surgeons in South Africa (SA) and those abroad who have had orthopaedic training in SA or who show a continuing interest in the affairs of the Association.The Objective of the SAOA is the advancement for the publicbenefit of the Science, Art and Practice of Orthopaedic Surgery with the aim of bringing relief to patients of all ages suffering from the effects of injury or disorders of the musculoskeletal system.The SAOA currently has about 800 members in SA and overseas, who enjoy a range of membership benefits. The majority of these are SA orthopaedic specialist surgeons and trainees in orthopaedic surgery
South African Colorectal Society
The South African Colorectal Society aims to promote the study of, and research into, colorectal disorders and diseases, and related conditions. We aim to promote patient advocacy for those suffering from these conditions, and support best practice in the diagnosis and management of colorectal disease
The SouthAfrican Society of Endoscopic Surgeons
SASES was established to promote high standards of endoscopic surgery to the public of South Africa. Our mission is to disseminate knowledge and training through academic meetings, training courses and travelling fellowships. We strive to ensure that all aspects of endoscopic surgery are available to all who can benefit by active engagement with
policymakers and funders
The South African Society of Maxillo-Facial and Oral Surgeons
SASMFOS has 138 members including student members.
The society core functions include:
- presenting an annual congress.
- negotiating with medical aids on an ongoing basis regarding benefits, regulations and there aspects that affect maxillo facial and oral surgery
- assisting members with queries pertaining to running a private practice
- assisting members of the public with their queries and access to services
The South African Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists
The South African Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, was formed in 1946. From the onset the aim was to form an uniting body for gynaecologists. Initially and for many years the main objectives were to organise congresses and meetings, to negotiate for a proper fee structure and to make comments on obstetrical and gynaecological training in South Africa
The South African Society of Surgeons in Training
Membership consists of registrars in all surgical disciplines (including Orthopaedic, Paediatric Surgery, Plastic and Reconstructive etc), as well as Interns, Community Service Doctors and Medical Officers. Our aim is to provide on-line tutorials (via theSURGREG programme) and hold bi-annual 2-day Refresher courses to prepare members for writing FCS examination
The Surgical Research Society
SRS encourages surgical research and holds an annual symposium, hosted in rotation by the Departments of Surgery at the academic teaching universities in South Africa. Prizes offered for various best presentations enable the winners to presenttheir papers at our sister surgical research societies in America and the United Kingdom
South African Urological Association
Promoting the interest of the Urologist by improving the conditions of service of full-time practitioners, academic members and registrars.
Maintaining and enhancing standards through a peer review and accreditation process, maintenance of professional competence, clinical practice guidelines and the evaluation of new techniques.
Educating the members by offering ongoing training of Urologists and undergraduates through continuing medical education. Rendering the highest possible service to private and public sector patients. Communicating with our members and other local and international medical associations.
Surgicom is a not-for-profit-company wholly owned by its shareholders comprising over 300 surgeons in both full-time and limited private practice. It is managed by a board of directors under the current leadership of Philip Matley. Surgicom relies on Healthman to provide secretarial, accounting and website services as well as providing a help-desk for members. Surgicom provides information, support and guidance for surgeons in private practice and interacts with medical schemes at the highest levels. Surgicom assists members with forensic audits and medical scheme complaints and participates in a number of pilot projects that directly benefit Surgicom members. Surgicom advises the Association of Surgeons of SA on private practice issue. All ASSA members in private practice are encouraged to become members of Surgicom. Membership is open to all general surgeons in the widest sense including vascular, paediatric and trauma surgeons.

The Trauma Society of SA
The Trauma Society of SA is concerned with the prevention and mitigation of trauma due to all forms of mechanical injury (penetrating and blunt) through the propagation of quality treatment and appropriate surgical intervention.
We attempt to fulfil the aims of the World Health Organization (WHO) declaration on Emergency Care for the injured in South Africa and provide the standards for accreditation of Trauma Units according to the nationally agreed criteria.
We are an affiliate of the South African Medical Association and a component of the Association of Surgeons of South Africa and a sister organization of EMSSA. The WHO violence and injury prevention program is actively supported.
The Vascular Society of Southern Africa
The Vascular Society of Southern Africa (VASSA)is a professional body that welcomes all healthcare professionals with an interest in Vascular Surgery. Full membership is opento all Vascular and General Surgeons, with reduced rates for trainees (Registrars, Fellows) and Allied healthcare workers (Vascular Technologists,Nurses). VASSA hosts various academic initiatives; these include: An Annual conference, regular guideline development meetings, The Complex Aortic Working Group, The Vascular Education Forum, The Groote Schuur Ultrasound Workshop. and The VASSA Grand Rounds (on line monthly meeting). VASSA is an affiliate member of The European Society of Vascular Surgery (ESVS). VASSA members have access to the ESVS journal at a reduced rate